Thursday, July 12, 2007

Chpt. 5-6 in EIA textbook

The Patriot Act really stuck out at me when I read through this chapter. I knew we changed security measures in airports, train stations, buses etc., but I didn't realize to what extent it affected us as individual people. For the FBI to be able to search a person's premisses without a search warrant because they have resonable cause is scary. I personally think that takes away too many of my rights. Then to be able to seize property that constitutes evidence of a criminal offense without me knowing or them asking permission, wow! My heart went out to the attorney from Portland that was actually accused but later found innocent. I'm all for getting the bad guys but I think we need to rethink this a little. Chapter six was a good in depth review from our other book. The fact that hackers do dumpster diving is a really good reason to own a shredder and use it ALL the time! The most interesting part was on line voting. I don't think I would participate until a lot of things changed. I do believe that voting would be quicker and more convenient, but I think it will cause more problems than helps. Even though it would be convenient people still won't take the time to sit at their computers to vote and what if they don't have a computer! The idea that people will pay someone to vote a specific way in the privacy of their home, it will happen. I find it hard to believe that hackers won't hack in and change my vote or put a virus into my computer because I didn't vote the way they thought I should. It just seems like a lot more hassle to put voting on line then to do it like we do! If we had a more concrete way of controlling the web, then it might be more feasible. I'm sure it's possible and probably will happen in the future.